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About Us

India and Beyond !
India & Beyond

Culture & Tradition - Here we come !

Exlore the Vibrant Cultures!

Exuberant Traditions

The Foundation registered in The Netherlands aims to unite, revive and help thrive the Culture, Heritage, Customs and Traditions of India and Netherlands.

Our Foundation supports and promotes events which showcase Poetry (Literature), Music, Dance (Art) and Spiritual outlook of India and The Netherlands. We have envisioned encouraging the younger generation to learn the richness of Indian and Dutch culture, ask and get answers to the whys of our traditions and help them understand the million year old civilization’s prowess.

Enlighten & Harmonize

To harmonize and enlighten generations about the culture, customs, traditions and heritage of India and Netherlands


Build & Promote

• To provide a platform to organise, share, promote and celebrate ideas/events of Indian, Surinamese Indian and Dutch • To promote literature and art forms • To promote spiritual discourses and outcomes • To build harmony between cultures • To find the common thread of humanity • To encourage younger generations learn more about culture, heritage and traditions • To bring together the Indian diaspora in the Netherlands through fusion between Indian and Dutch cultures

We’re here to cherish the dreams of many !

Please feel free to join our Magnificent & Energetic Volunteer Network

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Exuberant Team

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Anita Hanoeman