YES - Charity starts with Us & Every bit Counts!

$18,000.00 Goal
$7,600.00 Raised

Help the Foundation to spread the smile

$7,600 of $18,000 raised

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Donation Total: $100.00

At the heart of Stichting Sanskriti and Sanskar lies a profound commitment to nurturing, preserving, and amplifying the diverse tapestry of culture and arts. Recognizing the rich traditions of the Indian, Surinamese Indian, and Dutch communities, they diligently provide a platform that not only organizes but also celebrates the multifaceted ideas and events that these cultures encapsulate. They ardently champion the cause of literature and various art forms, while also giving prominence to spiritual discourses and their enlightening outcomes. Beyond mere promotion, there’s a deeper drive to weave harmony between these distinct cultures, striving always to uncover that unifying thread of humanity which binds us irrespective of our backgrounds. They have taken up the torch to ensure younger generations are not only informed but inspired by the depth and beauty of their cultural heritage and traditions. By seamlessly merging the nuances of Indian and Dutch cultures, Stichting Sanskriti and Sanskar also play a pivotal role in unifying the Indian diaspora in the Netherlands, highlighting the fusion as a testament to the power of collaborative cultural evolution.

Raise Fund for Clean & Healthy Water

$5,800.00 Raised
$18,000.00 Goal

Help the Foundation to spread smile

$8,000.00 Raised
$18,000.00 Goal